Message from Our President
Dear Colleagues and Friends:
I am honored to serve as your President for the 2024-2025 academic year. It was amazing to see the history of our Association as we celebrated our Centennial meeting last June, and to realize how our discipline has changed over the course of the last 100 years.
We have grown in so many ways, having welcomed a steady stream of talented and diverse new members, constantly adding new knowledge from ours and other neuroscience disciplines to fulfill our mission of advancing the study of diseases that affect the nervous system, and minimizing suffering through discovery, education, and the delivery of patient-centered clinical care.
We have survived the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, and through it actually have had increased attendance at our annual meetings with our new hybrid attendance models. In this regard, Dr. Sandra Camelo-Piragua, our Vice President, and I are thrilled to be working with all our members in planning our 101st meeting which we, again, hope to offer as a hybrid meeting June 19-22, 2025. We will have pre-meeting satellite symposia on Wednesday, June 18, and Dr. Camelo-Piragua will moderate the Special Course on Thursday. There will be exciting scientific sessions, platforms, posters and special lectures throughout Friday and Saturday, with the Diagnostic Slide Session on Saturday evening. We will finish up with the Presidential Symposium on Sunday, all available in-person in beautiful Minneapolis.
We look forward to working with all of you, and with our essential collaborators at AOE, in service of our wonderful Association!
Looking forward to seeing you in Minneapolis!

Douglas Anthony, MD, PhD
AANP President
Sandra Camelo-Piragua, MD
AANP Vice-President