The 66th Annual Diagnostic Slide Session will be held during the AANP 101st Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN, on Saturday, June 21st, 2025, at 8:00 p.m. The deadline to submit cases for consideration is Friday, January 10, 2025. The Diagnostic slide session, moderated by Dr. Caterina Giannini, is held on Saturday evening of the annual meeting of the American Association of Neuropathologists, generally starting at 8:00 pm and ending after the last case at approximately 10:30 pm. Cases are submitted to the moderator, Dr. Caterina Giannini, for consideration for the Diagnostic Slide Session. Please provide the following information for consideration:
All members of the American Association of Neuropathologists are eligible to submit cases for consideration for inclusion in next year's program. Contact Information:Caterina Giannini, MD, PhDAttention: Pathology Mayo Medical Laboratories 3050 Superior Dr. NW Rochester, MN 55901-1195 Phone: 507-284-3887 Email: [email protected]Please write in the accompanying letter: "Diagnostic Slide Seminar submission"